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How to play:

About game is a survival game in the IO game genre. You control your character to survive in a pristine forest. Confront wild animals and build your empire.

Game genre

In the multiplayer online survival game, you have to compete against other players as well as natural hazards.

Game context

You are placed in a wild world in the game. A world filled with creatures, wildlife, and even lava.

Game missions

You have two big tasks in this game: building your empire and fighting and defending your opponents. To fight other players, you'll need to collect resources like wood, mobilize creatures and animals, and craft weapons. As you level up, you can improve your talents and build different types of buildings.

Some useful tips when playing

As soon as possible, make an effort to collect a variety of resources. Thanks to this, you will be faster and more dangerous, giving you an advantage when crafting.

Staying away from unnecessary arguments is a method to protect yourself. Stay away from battles with opponents or creatures that are difficult to overcome. Instead, focus on raising your attack level.

Choose a cautious and safe playing method. Defending and building are things you can accomplish. Locate a peaceful area and build your base there. Never be afraid to run away if necessary.

Have Fun!